Congratulations to Ms. Stewart’s grade 5/6 combined class who won the Recycle Everywhere’s “Cleanest Playground Challenge”. The province-wide challenge took place in October and students participated by completing a town/school yard clean up.

Ms. Stewart ordered clean-up kits and incorporated the event into a lesson for her class. Below are quotes from the Grade 5/6 students that participated in the challenge:

We did two cleanups. The first cleanup we got 8 bags of trash!”

The more you pollute, the more it is hurting our planet. Including the plants and animals that live here.”

Sometimes we can’t change our past, but we can always work towards changing our future. Recycling and garbage cleanup is a good way to start doing that.”

I want to encourage other people to go out for walks and pick up trash around their communities.”

Every piece of trash picked up is saving our planet. We are the future so we need to step up!”

The students won the top prize of $5000.00 to put towards school supplies for Stony Mountain School.

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