Stony Mountain School Wins the Recycle Everywhere’s “Cleanest Playground Challenge”

Congratulations to Ms. Stewart’s grade 5/6 combined class who won the Recycle Everywhere’s “Cleanest Playground Challenge”. The province-wide challenge took place in October and students participated by completing a town/school yard clean up. Ms. Stewart ordered clean-up kits and incorporated the event into a lesson for her class. Below are quotes from the Grade 5/6 students that participated in the challenge: “We did two cleanups. The first cleanup we got 8 bags of trash!” “The more you pollute, the more… Read More

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Be the Change

Collège Stonewall Collegiate’s Art students participated in a project to symbolize the calls to action that were laid out by the Truth and Reconciliation Commission to address the ongoing impact of residential schools on survivors and their families. They also provided a path for government and Indigenous and non-Indigenous communities to create a joint vision of reconciliation. Students created a butterfly and each section of the butterfly represents one of the 94 calls to action. Each student participated in creating… Read More

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T.C.I Students on the Path to Wellness

At Teulon Collegiate, we have been actively working on creating a safe and inclusive learning environment.  We believe that students need to feel a sense of belonging at school in order to engage in learning opportunities and that these events should focus on inclusionary awareness (cultural, LGBTQ2S+) as part of tolerance and inclusion education. There have been many opportunities provided at T.C.I this school year that encourage belonging, community, and connection, all of which positively impact student well-being. Some of… Read More

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Wellness Goal at Warren Elementary School

As part of ISD’s Continuous Improvement Plan, Warren Elementary School has been working towards supporting their school-wide wellness goal.  As part of their Life Skills program, students have been kept busy keeping up with daily orders for pizza, yogurt parfaits, and veggies and dip.  The purchase of reusable parfait cups, plates, and spoons was supported by a sustainability grant. These students help to prepare and organize the food items every day in the canteen kitchen and then do their part… Read More

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2024-2025 Final Budget

The ISD Board of Trustees is pleased to announce the 2024-2025 Final Budget was passed at the regular meeting held on Monday, March 11th. Thank you to all stakeholders who engaged in the budget process and offered input to provide guidance to the Board of Trustees. The ISD Senior Administration Team appreciates the support of the Board for this needs-based budget. We look forward to the positive impact this budget will have on our students, staff, families and communities. Click… Read More

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I Love to Read Month at Grosse Isle School

Throughout the month of February, our students and staff celebrate I Love to Read in some way every day.  The tournament of books contenders are decided prior to the start of the month to ensure that both brackets are filled – and there is a vote held everyday.  When daily winners are announced, you can hear the cheers and groans and the number of competitors lessen.  Some highlights of the month include our Reading Campout, where tents, cots, sleeping bags… Read More

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