This years spirit groups have been focusing on building school culture and relationships at SCI. Our leadership and link leader students have been instrumental in working with staff to help students know each other better, learn from each other and receive student input on ways to improve school culture and make SCI a great place to be. This group has also run a Terry Fox Run, gym riots, spirit weeks and Passing on the Cheer.
Brant-Argyle’s South class have been using their Guided Math time to create and extend patterns. They have been working hard to show what they know in a variety of ways, including concretely and pictorially. The South class is also getting very good at using the language of patterns and can be heard discussing the number of elements in a pattern and sharing the core of a pattern with their classmates.
During the month of November at Woodlands School, we are planning a “number” of fun learning activities focused on numeracy. We want to students to understand that math is something not to be scared of or intimidated by. We wand them to know it is part of our every day lives, and when the basic skills and concepts are learned that it can be quite enjoyable 🙂 Please check out list of November Numbers planned activities for the month. Here are some… Read More
In light of misinformation which has been widely spread on social media, we will share that at no point did any staff member of Stonewall Collegiate or Interlake School Division direct, nor mandate, any student to wear a ‘rainbow poppy’. The Board of Trustees will not comment on matters regarding individual students so as to maintain confidentiality for those involved. Media inquiries may be directed to Board Chair, Alan Campbell or Superintendent/CEO, Margaret Ward
Student led assemblies at Warren Elementary centered on the 7 Teachings to help students learn about their role in society, and promote personal and community wellness. The October assembly hosted by our student council had a “Respect” theme complete with some excellent videos that were acted, filmed, and directed by our students. Our student leaders set the bar really high for our classrooms who will be hosting their own assemblies throughout the year!
Students in Grade 5 at Warren Elementary School are working on their estimation skills. How many popcorn seeds are in a bag of microwave popcorn? After some predicting and estimating we are confident that everyone in 5B can tell you the answer!
Take Our Kids to Work™ (TOKTW) invites students in Grade 9 to spend a day at work with a parent, relative, or volunteer host to help them learn about today’s workplace, be enlightened on the diversity of roles and tasks, participate in experiential career learning opportunities, explore possible future career options, and apply their the TOKTW experiences to their learning and their future. This year, TOKTW is November 6. Participating workplaces are invited to register on The Learning Partnership website. … Read More
At the end of September approximately 200 ISD grade 4 students took part in the annual Ecology Day at Oak Hammock Marsh. The staff at the marsh led the students in activities such as critter dipping, a marsh walk, ecology games and a lesson on Hawks, Owls & Falcons. Presentations were in English and French. Thankfully the weather cooperated, and both students and teachers reported the day to be a success.
Part of our school plan is to increase student discussion in the classroom, and to encourage students to explain their thinking when problem solving. One approach we are taking at Balmoral School is to practice discussing topics/issues with peers. Our grade 3 and 4 students are using discussion cards to show them different ways to respectfully communicate with each other. The goal is to give them a foundation for working collaboratively, and to instill confidence in their ability to think… Read More
Science lab upgrades have been completed at Warren Collegiate and Teulon Collegiate. These renovations will ensure all students have equitable access to programs and resources. Students now have the opportunity to work in cutting edge science labs where they are developing skills and acquiring knowledge to best prepare themselves for post secondary environments.