“Wellness” is about Human Rights. As humans, we all have the need to access shelter, food, clean air, safety, belonging, and possess rights such as the freedom of speech. School promotes much more than just lessons in a book. It is also a place that grows responsible citizens of action and thought. This year the Grade 5 and Grade 6 MYVoice Committee at École Stonewall Centennial School joined a larger Manitoba Associated School Project Network entitled United Nations, Educational, Scientific… Read More
At École R.W. Bobby Bend School there is always a variety of math activities occurring around the school. In Kindergarten to Grade 2, early years teachers weave daily numeracy into calendar time. For example, students are asked to become the leaders and direct their classmates through various activities. Through this time, students learn to apply their skills in counting by 1’s, 2’s, 5’s and 10’s in French or in English. They begin to see patterns in numbers which become the… Read More
Our Kindergarten classes strengthen their understanding of numbers this January and February in small group activities. Many of the number tasks the children are working through also require fine motor practice such as pinching and grabbing small objects with tweezers or beading a number line. Working with children in small groups also allows for hands-on learning opportunities where the teacher can focus on a particular concept (this month it was all about making 5!) or skill. The kindergarten classes are… Read More