Student led assemblies at Warren Elementary centered on the 7 Teachings to help students learn about their role in society, and promote personal and community wellness. The October assembly hosted by our student council had a “Respect” theme complete with some excellent videos that were acted, filmed, and directed by our students. Our student leaders set the bar really high for our classrooms who will be hosting their own assemblies throughout the year!
Students in Grade 5 at Warren Elementary School are working on their estimation skills. How many popcorn seeds are in a bag of microwave popcorn? After some predicting and estimating we are confident that everyone in 5B can tell you the answer!
Take Our Kids to Work™ (TOKTW) invites students in Grade 9 to spend a day at work with a parent, relative, or volunteer host to help them learn about today’s workplace, be enlightened on the diversity of roles and tasks, participate in experiential career learning opportunities, explore possible future career options, and apply their the TOKTW experiences to their learning and their future. This year, TOKTW is November 6. Participating workplaces are invited to register on The Learning Partnership website. … Read More
At the end of September approximately 200 ISD grade 4 students took part in the annual Ecology Day at Oak Hammock Marsh. The staff at the marsh led the students in activities such as critter dipping, a marsh walk, ecology games and a lesson on Hawks, Owls & Falcons. Presentations were in English and French. Thankfully the weather cooperated, and both students and teachers reported the day to be a success.
Part of our school plan is to increase student discussion in the classroom, and to encourage students to explain their thinking when problem solving. One approach we are taking at Balmoral School is to practice discussing topics/issues with peers. Our grade 3 and 4 students are using discussion cards to show them different ways to respectfully communicate with each other. The goal is to give them a foundation for working collaboratively, and to instill confidence in their ability to think… Read More