Chief Provincial Public Health Officer Dr. Brent Roussin held a press conference on Friday, September 25th which was followed by a  media bulletin .  As Dr. Roussin indicated in his press conference, the new Public Health orders and changes under the Province’s Pandemic Response System that will come into effect on Monday, September 28th do not change any of the guidelines related to schools.  Manitoba Education provided the following clarifying message late Friday afternoon: Today, the Chief Provincial Public Health Officer announced that the… Read More

in: Announcements

Woodlands School – Early Literacy Program

“These first weeks of the 2020-21 school year mark the beginning of our work in the Interlake School Division’s new  “Early Literacy Program”(ELP). Proficiency in reading, writing, language and literacies is foundational to future learning and participation in society, and Grade 1 is a critical year for beginning the journey towards proficiency. Our ELP is a responsive and tiered instructional approach to the teaching and learning of reading in Grade 1.  Every day at Woodlands School, our Early Literacy Co-teacher… Read More

in: Back to School