“These first weeks of the 2020-21 school year mark the beginning of our work in the Interlake School Division’s new “Early Literacy Program”(ELP). Proficiency in reading, writing, language and literacies is foundational to future learning and participation in society, and Grade 1 is a critical year for beginning the journey towards proficiency. Our ELP is a responsive and tiered instructional approach to the teaching and learning of reading in Grade 1. Every day at Woodlands School, our Early Literacy Co-teacher Alison Marttila spends 30 minutes in each of our 1-2 multi-age classrooms working with our students on the fundamentals of reading. We are excited to see how this new initiative will give our students the support and instruction they need to be successful not just in grade 1 but for the remainder of their school experience”.
in: Back to School