At Teulon Collegiate, we have been actively working on creating a safe and inclusive learning environment. We believe that students need to feel a sense of belonging at school in order to engage in learning opportunities and that these events should focus on inclusionary awareness (cultural, LGBTQ2S+) as part of tolerance and inclusion education. There have been many opportunities provided at T.C.I this school year that encourage belonging, community, and connection, all of which positively impact student well-being.
Some of the events include school wide breakfasts which were offered every Tuesday in April. The Social Justice group recognized that starting school with a full belly has a positive impact on student wellness. Eating together, with your peers and staff, also brings a sense of community. Our Social Justice league members along with other students in the school also participated in Red Dress Day and select students and staff stayed silent for the entire day in honour of missing and murdered indigenous women who no longer have a voice. Student Council has also organized many school- wide activities with a focus on school community and togetherness, such as “Rock Paper Scissors Day”, “Bingo Day”, multiple gym riots, spirit weeks, etc. Our Greenhouse project has also brought the school together in many ways, and students and staff are enjoying time outside, in nature.
As our students move closer to graduation, we know this time of transition can be daunting and overwhelming which sometimes impacts their mental health in negative ways. There have been a few career fairs and university campus tours (Manitoba Construction Expo, IERHA Career Fair, U of M campus tour, RRC campus tour, etc.) which help ease students’ nerves and anxieties about their future and allow students the chance to explore opportunities and build capacity for life after high school.
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